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  • 北京金瑞致科技发展有限公司


    北京金瑞致科技发展有限公司成立于1997年,总部设立在北京,在上海、深圳、成都设有办事处, 在香港设有分公司,并在国内多个地区设立了售后服务中心。公司自创立以来,一直秉承“诚信守约,专业高效,不断创新,追求卓越。”的企业宗旨,在从国外引进多项领先科技与产品的同时,更注重结合中国用户的实际需要进行技术研发,产品升级和创新,以满足不同行业用户的个性化需求, 确保用户的投资能够获得最大的收益.公司通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证及IQNET认证,为公司的长远发展奠定了良好的基础. 2001年金瑞致公司与世界上最大的安防通道产品专业厂商---瑞典固力保出入口控制公司结成长期战略合作伙伴,成为其在中国地区的独家总代理。固力保的安防通道产品一直遵照“一次通过一人,有效防尾随”的理念,被广泛应用于“安防门禁系统”和“自动售检票系统”.经过多年的不懈努力, 以及广大用户的充分信任与支持,使得固力保出入口控制产品成为中国大众交通行业检票闸机的主流产品, 并成为世界五百强企业的首选安防品牌. 2008年,金瑞致公司从欧洲引进了最先进的“精点人员计数系统”,通过对公共场所的人流进行实时精确统计,以帮助用户进行人流量数据分析及高效率的运营组织与管理。

    www.chinagoldrich.com - 2019-09-12 - 收藏


    Since 1989 our company has been designing and manufacturing specialised Palm Computers and Hand Held Computers for the most demanding in field applications. Our tight customer relationship has been driving our design activity and is the very reason of our product success. The unique ALL-IN-ONE pen/touch integrated DAT500 palm computer and the DAT400 scanner are the main products beside the modular and rugged DAT300 and BEST SALE 300 system for route accounting. ORION GPS+GSM/GPRS is the ideal companion to track and manage your fleet of mobile workers. The latest RF-ID technology is available now inside our products. Our technical staff and our local partners can support you on-site for system design, software analysis and development, installation, training and maintenance.

    www.4p-online.com - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • AURES Group

    AURES Group

    Founded in 1989 and listed on Euronext since 1999, AURES develops and manufactures EPOS systems and related peripherals. Our PC-based, open-system hardware is designed to provide management and till functions to specialist food and non-food stores, retail outlets and superstores, the catering and hospitality industry and to all other points-of-sale and service. The AURES Group – which includes AURES Technologies and J2 Retail Systems – has global presence, with its head office in France, subsidiaries in Great Britain, Germany, Australia and the USA and a network of distributors and resellers in more than 50 other countries. In 2012, the AURES Group pro forma represented over 40,000 deployed systems and sales in excess of €50 million. Complementary to the POS activities of the Group, our OEM Equipment & Systems Department works closely with integrators and systems suppliers (such as the OEM and kiosk sectors, digital signage manufacturers and providers), providing them with complete product lines and hardware elements for industrial and commercial applications.

    www.aures.com - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • Computer Hardware Design LTD.

    Computer Hardware Design LTD.

    CHD is the largest supplier of retail automation equipment such as POS systems, bar code readers and printers, electronic scales, electronic cash registers, computers and software in Latvia. CHD works to be the provider of total solutions for major retail companies and chains. CHD distributes general retail automation products and materials via a network of dealers. The highly advanced automation systems are sold, installed and maintained directly.

    www.chd.lv - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • 银联在线


    \"银联在线\"是中国银联倾力打造的互联网业务综合商务门户网站,致力于面向广大银联卡持卡人提供\"安全、便捷、高效\"的互联网支付服务。 \"银联在线\" 依托具有中国自主知识产权、国内领先的银联CUPSecure互联网安全认证支付系统和银联EBPP互联网收单系统,构建了银联便民支付网上平台、银联理财平台、银联网上商城三大业务平台,为广大持卡人提供公共事业缴费、通信缴费充值、信用卡还款、跨行转账、账单号支付、机票预订、基金理财和商城购物等全方位的互联网金融支付服务。 银联便民支付网上平台---业务范围包括信用卡跨行还款、水电燃气缴费、移动电话及固定电话缴费充值等业务。 银联理财平台---业务范围包括基金直销业务、银行理财产品销售业务等。 银联网上商城平台---精选及国内、境外银联认证的优质商户,为持卡人提供万余种商品的网上购物支付服务。 随着业务覆盖范围、应用领域的不断扩大,\"银联在线\"正受到越来越多发卡银行、收单机构、商户和广大持卡人的欢迎。未来,中国银联将依托安全、稳定、可靠的基础转接与清算服务系统,完整配套的业务规范、技术标准及专业化服务体系,日益完善的网上支付风险防控流程,强大的技术研发与系统运营能力,积极努力,加强创新,不断满足日益多元化、个性化的网上支付需求,携手产业各方,共同推动中国电子支付行业快速健康发展。

    www.chinapay.com - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • 鸿翊国际股份有限公司


    鸿翊国际成立于1986年,于2007年在台湾挂牌上柜,主要从事POS产业计算机之研发、制造及营销,至今发展成为全球知名的POS硬件系统服务制造商。 产品线包括:触摸屏一体收款机 (Touch POS Terminal)、分体POS机、触控显示器 (Touchscreen Monitor)、自助服务终端(Kiosk)及其POS相关外围产品。 鸿翊国际已累积超过25年的硬件整合经验与基础,不断投注大量资源于核心技术开发,以模块化、开放式的硬件系统架构,打造出可延续升级、易于使用及维护POS产品,获得多项国内外专利认证及国际客户一致的赞赏与肯定。随着产业计算机的日益发展,鸿翊国际的产品已营销遍布全球50多个国家,销售超过50万台端点销售终端设备,并成功应用于百货商场、连锁通路、零售业、餐饮业、相片冲印、娱乐与休闲产业。

    www.datavan.com.tw - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • 金雅拓科技(上海)有限公司


    金雅拓定位于不断发展的数字社会的核心。致力于帮助数十亿人安全地享受数字生活方式,自由地交流、旅行、购物、办理银行业务、娱乐和工作,不论何时何地,都能享受便捷、愉快和安全。 每天,世界各地的企业和政府信任我们,委托我们帮助他们为用户提供安全、便捷的服务。每当他们的客户、员工和民众需要进行交易、联网或验证身份时,我们的解决方案可以让这一过程变得更安全便捷。 不论是沟通,办理银行业务,在网上做生意,使用电子政务或电子医疗保健服务,转账,访问云服务,核实身份和保护隐私,还是机器对机器(M2M)通信,NFC EMV 移动支付 增强认证 电子银行 电子身份证 电子医疗保健 移动营销 生物识别,世界各地的人们每一天都在享受金雅拓的服务。

    www.gemalto.com/china - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • GHL Systems Berhad

    GHL Systems Berhad

    作为马来西亚全球领先的电子支付服务提供商和该国目前最大的第三方/非金融机构EDC终端提供商,*MSC-status ?rm GHL Systems Berhad (GHL)需要始终维持全球一流的支付网络和服务。该公司通过全国通用的电子刷卡机(EDC)终端提供代付款服务以及各种基于卡的电子支付解决方案,公司在两个国家设有8个分支机构,共有员工200多名,总部位于马来西亚吉隆坡,年营业额超过2000万美元。

    www.ghl.com - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • DATECS Ltd.

    DATECS Ltd.

    ., was founded in 1990 by a group of research fellows from the Institute of Applied Cybernetics at the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The start was given in 1990 with the first Cyrillic fonts in the Post Script format, the first Laser printer with in - built Cyrillic fonts in 1991 and the first professional program for complete Cyrillic support under MS Windows - the Flex Type - in 1992. During 1996, this product was accepted as the standard for the communication software products, employed to serve the Council for European Security and Cooperation. In 1997, Microsoft purchased a Datecs license for the distribution of the spelling and hyphenation product - Flex Word. The wide - scale, national land - division program of 1993 initiated Datecs to establish a Geographic Information Systems department. After developing an effective and highly accurate technology for the digitalization of scanned map images, the department was able to complete several big home projects in a short period of time and in cooperation with leading firms from the same branch in Germany and France went on to execute projects abroad. Digital maps of some of the biggest cities in Bulgaria and Germany were made between 1993 - 98, as well as maps of some provinces in France, of the territories along the river Nile and the whole territory of Thailand. Datecs programming teams supported the realization of several complex projects for the needs of major state institutions in Bulgaria, for Coca - Cola of Greece, Amoco - USA, the Association of the Commercial Banks of Berlin etc. In cooperation with Samsung, Datecs embarked on developing retail systems in 1994. Two, Samsung based, electronic cash registers were reconstructed in order to expand their functions and adapt them for networking. The company produced its first electronic cash register - the Datecs MP500 - in 1996, followed by the model with the thermal printer, the MP500T, a year later. In only a few years - and 100 000 devices sold in 11 countries around the World - Datecs became the best known brand of electronic cash registers with fiscal memory in Central and Eastern Europe. The novel concept of employing the PC as a server in a network of electronic cash registers, was supported by the appearance of adequate software products. These products permitted the building of complex networks of PC and cash registers at incomparably lower relative prices for supermarkets, hotels and restaurants. During the next several years, the range of company products has expanded with electronic scales, working in conjunction with a cash register and label printer; POLE display, fiscal, \"kitchen\", label and ESC / POS printers; a portable cash register and an item server, plus a number of new program products. In 2001 was developing and introduced Total Quality Management System responded on ISO 9001:2000. In the end of 2001 DATECS Ltd. fulfilled requirements on the standard ISO 9001:2000 and passed successfully the certification. The range on Quality System Management has included all activities on the company connected with Design and Manufacture of Cash Registers, Digital Scales, Printers, POS Related Equipment, PCB Assembly and GIS Software delivery. Installation an dintegration of software solutions. Data conversion services.

    www.datecs.bg - 2019-09-12 - 收藏
  • QUORiON Data Systems

    QUORiON Data Systems

    A Cash Register Manufacturer in the Heart of Europe QUORiON Data Systems develops, manufactures, and sells innovative electronic cash registers and POS systems. The company headquarters are located in Erfurt , Germany. Our product range encompasses the entire spectrum from small portable cash registers to sophisticated POS systems .QUORiON markets its cash registers globally in cooperation with selected distributors and partners in nearly 70 countries .Further, we develop marketing strategies for the individual countries and products in mutual agreement with our partners.The seasoned management team has been working in the information technology field for decades and has extensive experience in these activities. QUORiON builds its business philosophy around highly customized, made to order cash registers.Additional elements include a customer focused approach , quick reaction time towards software requirements and a drastically reduced lead time. QDS acquired a state-of-the-art production facility, ideally located in the heart of Europe. Our location is an integral part of the “reacting quickly to customer demands” strategy.

    www.quorion.de - 2019-09-12 - 收藏


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