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  • 2019-08-19收录日期
  • 2024-12-05更新日期
  • 网站地址:zcfw.cbpm.cn
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  • 网站描述:中钞特种防伪科技有限公司隶属于中国印钞造币总公司,正式成立于2003年12月29日。是经中国人民银行总行批准,由中国印钞造币总公司等行业内五家股东单位共同投资设立的高新技术企业。主要承担人民币防伪安全线的印制生产任务,对我国钞票安全防伪和确保货币发行发挥着重要的作用。   公司总部设在北京,在北京和保定分别建有生产基地。2008年成立的北京光学防伪技术研究所是中国印钞造币总公司技术中心认证的直属研发机构,是公司技术创新的核心组织,是落实公司科研计划的研发机构。公司通过引进国际先进水平的生产设备,建立了世界一流的全息防伪产品全封闭生产线,可满足人民币安全线、银联卡全息标等主要产品和其他市场防伪产品的生产需要。   安全线作为人民币生产的源头产品,是印制行业的“生命线”。科技含量高、生产工艺复杂、质量标准高。五年来,中钞特种防伪科技有限公司不仅在主业安全线产品生产上满足了国家货币发行的需求,同时还为其它行业、部分国家和地区提供产品设计生产等服务。   展望未来,中钞特种防伪科技有限公司的前景广阔。中钞防伪人将继续秉承“忠诚印制,追求第一”的行业理念,开拓创新,以“优质安全保发行,科学管理增效益”为宗旨,加强自主科研开发,不断提高产能和成品率,确保安全线的供应和新技术的产品储备,为把公司建设成为 “技术先进、品质卓越,世界一流的安全线供应商”而努力奋斗!   Zhongchao Special Security Technology Co., Ltd., China’s exclusive banknote security thread supplier under China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPM), was initially established in December 29th, 2003. Approved by the People’s Bank of China, it was invested by China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and four other shareholders to ensure banknote security and currency issuance by supplying security thread for RMB manufacturing.      Headquartered in Beijing, the company has production facilities both in Beijing and Baoding. In 2008, the Optical Security Research institute was set up to lead the core technology innovation activities in the company. The world’s top-notch in-house holographic security thread production lines with highly advanced equipment enables it to meet the demands for banknote security threads, the China Unionpay credit card hologram labels and other commercial security products in the market.      As a source product in RMB manufacturing, security thread is regarded as a “life line” in banknote printing industry due to its high-tech characteristics of complex production processes and high quality standards. During the past five years, the company has not only fulfilled the demands of state currency issuance with security thread products, but also provided services of product designing and manufacturing for other industries in some countries and areas.      Looking into the future, the company sees a great prospect ahead for further development. With the philosophy of “royalty and excellence” in mind, it strives to improve capacity and quality through innovation, and achieve the mission of becoming the world’s top security thread supplier.
  • TAG标签:,金融,投资,理财,银行,协会,监督,财经 
  • 更多信息:以上是本站为大家提供的简要信息。 如果你想查询中钞特种防伪科技有限公司的百度排名、百度权重、友情链接那可以通过站长工具进行一键查询。如果想了解更多中钞特种防伪科技有限公司联系方式、企业或单位详细介绍等相关信息,可以点击上方的中钞特种防伪科技有限公司文字标题进入对应的官方网站进行查询,我们仅提供网站的入口,对网站内展示的任何文字或图片内容不承担任何版权或其他法律责任,请用户在浏览访问中钞特种防伪科技有限公司这个网站的时候,谨慎鉴别真伪,以防不必要的损失。如果你对我们以上提供的信息有任何疑问,可随时联系站长QQ。


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