CIMA da 50 anni è al servizio delle banche e delle più grandi imprese industriali italiane. Costituita nel 1955 dal suo attuale presidente Sig.Razzaboni Giuseppe, ha affrontato in questi anni le tematiche della sicurezza passando dai serramenti blindati ai controlli accessi tramite bussole antirapina agli attuali e più sofisticati sistemi di allontanamento del denaro. Oggi annovera tra i propri clienti i più grandi istituti di credito italiani ed esteri. Con la politica del \"passo dopo passo\" è cresciuta negli anni sia in numeri (oltre 4500 installazioni di dispositivi cash handling e oltre 5300 bussole antirapina) sia in qualità [con la creazione di un\'importante sezione di ricerca e sviluppo che le ha permesso di concentrare e sviluppare al proprio interno l\'intera progettazione sia elettronica (hardware e software) che meccanica delle macchine per la gestione del contante]. L\'operato di questo staff ha portato alla realizzazione di diverse macchine, tra cui la più recente AST7000NT. L\'azienda annovera tra i propri 250 clienti bancari italiani alcuni primari gruppi tra cui Unicredito, BNL, Capitalia, Sanpaolo IMI, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, CARIGE, Gruppo Credito Valtellinese, Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara, Credito Emiliano, Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna, Lombarda...; ha ottenuto traguardi importanti anche a livello internazionale collaborando, per la diffusione del proprio marchio, con multinazionali come il gruppo Gunnebo, Scan Coin ed altri. Gli ampi successi riscontrati in questi ultimi anni hanno premiato la scelta di questa piccola realtà in un mercato di grandi multinazionali.
www.cimaspa.it - 2019-08-15 - 收藏TRAIDIS
Principal acteur du traitement des espèces en grande distribution, grands magasins et administrations. Fabricant fran?ais d\'automates de dép?t et de distribution d\'espèces, leader dans les secteurs de la grande distribution et des transports publics. Acteur majeur du domaine bancaire en automates de dép?t, valorisation et distribution libre-service d\'espèces. Implantée depuis 1999 en région parisienne avec un centre de recherche et de fabrication à Remiremont (88), TRAIDIS est un fabricant fran?ais, spécialiste du traitement des espèces, dépositaire de brevets d\'automates. TRAIDIS propose une large gamme de produits et solutions permettant de gérer efficacement les flux de cash. Stratégie Avec une progression régulière de plus de 10 % de son Chiffre d\'Affaires annuel, TRAIDIS confirme son dynamisme face aux attentes du marché avec une politique d\'investissement en R&D et qualité et poursuit son implantation à l\'international en déployant un réseau de distributeurs. Perspectives Constructeur et expert en traitement et gestion des espèces, TRAIDIS poursuit activement sa politique de développement afin de confirmer son leadership du marché fran?ais et de conforter sa position de fournisseur international en s\'appuyant à la fois sur son expérience, ses brevets et son centre de R&D.
www.traidis.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏RIBAO
Suzhou RIBAO Technology Co. Ltd. (also named Ribao Technology ) was founded in 1996, located in the garden city - Suzhou. As a specialized manufacturer of currency counter , coin counter , currency detector , exchange rate display board and other cash handling products, Ribao Technology have become the predominant OEM factory that produced currency counter , coin counter , money detector , currency detector and exchange rate display board for many famous companies in European and American countries in cash handling industry. All our products, for example coin sorter , banknote counter , money detector , rate display board , were CE approved. Ribao Technology own an efficient and high qualified marketing, technician, production team, the main members of our team have been engaged in cash handling industry over 16 years. To provide high quality currency counter , coin counter , money detector , exchange rate display board and other cash handling products and perfect services is our commitment. Ribao Technology has built own business and reputation on the value proposition in the past 10 years, and Ribao Technology will continue to do so in the future, to consistently meet and exceed our customers\' expectations. Ribao Technology is grateful for this opportunity to serve you and look forward to a mutual profitable business relationship.
www.ribaotechnology.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏Prema
Als hoch qualifiziertes und motiviertes Team, das seit mehr als 30 Jahren erfolgreich auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene t?tig ist, bieten wir Ihnen alles aus einer Hand: Beratung Erstklassige Geldbearbeitungstechnik aus eigener und externer Produktion Software Service und Wartung Es lohnt sich für Sie, von unseren Leistungen zu profitieren!
www.prema-cashhandling.de - 2019-08-15 - 收藏NCR
Our customers turn the gears of the global economy. They are businesses, small and large, whose every effort leads to a single purpose: satisfying—even delighting—the people who interact with their brands. Look closely, and you’ll see us at those touchpoints, quietly doing our best work. We are NCR, a global tech company—and we run the everyday transactions that make your life easier . We’re the world leader in consumer transaction technologies, turning everyday interactions with businesses into exceptional experiences. With our software, hardware and portfolio of services, we make more than 450 million transactions possible every day. We’re helping our customers respond to the demand for fast, easy and convenient transactions with intuitive self-service and assisted-service options. But what we do goes beyond niche technologies or markets. Our solutions help businesses around the world increase revenue, build loyalty, reach new customers and lower their costs of operations. By continually learning about—and pioneering—how the world interacts and transacts, we’re helping companies not only reach their goals, but also change the way all of us shop, eat, travel, bank and connect. Together, we are shaping the future.
www.ncr.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏Glory
GLORY LTD., headquartered in Himeji, Japan, is a pioneer in the development and manufacture of money handling machines and systems. GLORY provides a variety of products built on its leading-edge recognition/identification and mechatronics technology, such as money handling machines, cash management systems, vending machines and automatic service equipment. Committed to meet society’s wide-ranging needs, GLORY serves the financial, retail, vending machine, amusement and gaming industries in more than 100 countries. Please take a quick look at what GLORY is.
www.gloryglobalsolutions.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏汇联通卡
“汇联通卡”是由贵州汇联通电子商务服务有限公司与贵州省内各行业特约商户联合发行的消费卡。其使用范围涵盖商场购物、综合超市、便利小店、家居装饰、旅游度假、生活服务、餐饮娱乐、汽车养护、停车过路、医疗体检、美容健身、教育培训、家庭订报、公共交通、充值缴费等多个行业。并可享受消费打折、积分等VIP待遇。 刷卡消费这一消费趋势正在逐步普及和取代古老的现金交易。刷卡消费方便、快捷、安全的特性使得越来越多的人加入到刷卡一族的行列,而传统意义上的银行卡,信用卡已不能满足当代社会越来越多的用卡人群和日益膨胀的消费需求,汇联通卡——贵州第一张消费一卡通的出现很好的解决了这一问题。汇联通以改善、建设贵州刷卡消费环境,推动贵州电子商务发展为己任。 “汇联通卡”综合提供福利发放、商务礼仪、优化核算方式等解决方案。 “汇联通卡”由多家银行共同实施全额资金监管,客户资金安全有保障。 汇联通坚持三赢原则——为企业节约成本,为商户创造价值,给持卡人带来便利。
www.hltgz.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏壹卡
大连中鼎资讯有限公司的主营业务为预付卡发行与受理。公司成立于2006年,注册资金1亿元人民币,是辽宁地区首批获得中国人民银行颁发《支付业务许可证》(许可证编号Z2005921000014)的专业支付机构。公司不断引进优秀人才,同时秉承“大中至正、革故鼎新”的企业文化和“客户至上”的经营理念,为客户提供更快、更好、更优质的服务,逐渐将公司发展成为辽宁地区预付卡行业的龙头企业。 大连中鼎资讯有限公司由银联商务、浦发银行等知名企业合作支持,目前结合辽宁地区具有代表性的百货超市、酒店餐饮、健身娱乐、生活服务、文化图书等商户建立合作商圈,实现客户实惠、便捷、安全、时尚的消费期望,满足客户个性化的消费需求,成为企事业单位员工福利和商务礼品馈赠的首选。 壹卡项目始于2007年底,2007年12月公司发行了第一张 “壹卡”,一经推出,市场反映强烈。通过几年的努力,公司业务持续发展, “壹卡”累计发行已超过百万张,累计销售额已经突破10亿元人民币,积累了相当数量的忠实客户。壹卡已在大连、沈阳、丹东、营口等地建立了涵括多行业多领域的商户网络,目前已发展近千家的合作商户,服务客户超过6000家,直接受益人群过百万。 公司发展规划将逐步延伸到水电煤气、公交系统、电话、有线电视等公共事业缴费领域,充分整合商业应用、金融应用、政务应用和公共服务应用,建立起多业态、跨行业、安全、便捷的通用电子交易支付平台。 中鼎作为辽宁大连首个通用型预付卡发行商,通过自身的不断努力,已经将壹卡发展成为辽宁地区市场规模最大,影响力最强的预付卡品牌。
www.1-ka.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏e卡通
厦门易通卡运营有限责任公司是市政府“小额支付一卡通”(简称厦门e通卡)项目的承担主体,是e通卡发行、应用与管理的唯一运营中心。公司由厦门信息港建设发展股份有限公司、厦门公交集团有限公司、厦门特运集团有限公司、银联商务有限公司共同出资组建,经市政府批准成立,具有小额支付相关特许经营权。 厦门e通卡项目从2003年开始正式运行,以服务社会、发展小额支付一卡通为己任,经过近八年的高速发展,已建设涵盖全厦门市及其周边地区的跨行业、跨区域使用的基于非金融IC卡小额支付共享平台,形成具备规模效益的共享、通用、快捷、方便、安全的“一卡通用”综合服务体系,为广大市民及来厦旅客创建了方便的用卡支付环境,有效提升了厦门城市信息化水平。 厦门易通卡得到了广大市民的认可,也受到上级主管部门的充分肯定。公司自主开发的“跨行业跨地域小额支付(e通卡)系统”获福建省2006年度科学技术奖三等奖,2007年被评为厦门市高新技术企业,2008年在海峡西岸移动信息化应用创新大赛中获得“十佳移动信息化应用项目奖”,2009被评为国家首批信息化项目试点单位,2011年荣获中国人民银行颁发的《支付业务许可证》,成为福建省首家全省范围内从事预付卡发行及受理的第三方支付机构。 作为厦门的一张亮丽名片,e通卡的各项功能正在不断完善,服务不断提升,努力为市民创造更便利的消费环境,提供更为优质的服务,真真正正做到与广大人民群众的生活息息相关,让日常生活和出行“一卡在手、通行无忧”。
www.xmecard.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏深圳市钱宝科技服务有限公司
www.globebill.com - 2019-08-15 - 收藏
- 爱奥尼亚大学
www.ionio.gr - 巴黎高等商学院
www.hec.edu - 索非亚大学
www.uni-sofia.bg - 皇家热带学研究院
www.kit.nl - 克拉根福大学